Wildberries offered sellers a new procedure for compensation for damages

Wildberries offered sellers a new procedure for compensation for damages


Wildberries sellers were offered new conditions for paying compensation for lost goods. The marketplace has made changes to the offer; the document has already been sent to some partners of the site in their personal accounts, Forbes writes. The changes are related to compensation for damage after the fire in Shushary. By accepting the new conditions of Wildberries, the seller waives any claims, even if the amount of compensation does not correspond to the actual damage.

If the victim does not agree with the proposed conditions, the marketplace support service will look into the case individually, Wildberries representative Dmitry Borshchevsky told Kommersant FM: “Compensations are calculated for each type of product separately, this process takes time. Wildberries will publish reports in stages, the company will continue to transfer payments every week according to the schedule agreed by the sellers. The refund amount is determined for each seller separately based on the price of the product, taking into account the average discount and minus standard expenses.

The calculation also takes into account the repurchase percentage of the product and its turnover, that is, the period over which this product is usually sold. Sellers are notified as follows: documents are gradually uploaded to the personal account on the seller’s portal, the report describes the calculation method and the amount of compensation, and a payment schedule is presented.

If the seller agrees with him, he can confirm this, then payments will begin as scheduled. The final amount of compensation and payment schedule will be adjusted in accordance with payments that have already been made previously.”

The Association of E-Commerce Market Participants, meanwhile, turned to the FAS with a request to check the legality of the marketplace offer. Kommersant FM asked the Wildberries sellers themselves whether they received information about payments and the transfer schedule. Many are still waiting for data updates; one of the sellers confirmed receipt of the letter. According to him, the main difference between the new offer is the guaranteed payment terms: “We have two accounts on Wildberries. One by one, full compensation arrived in January, literally a few days after the fire.

Yesterday we received a report on how this compensation was calculated. There is a small amount, only a couple of thousand rubles, not a lot of goods were burned on this account. It indicates which product was burned and at what retail price we sold it. Accordingly, Wildberries deducts the cost of logistics and storage from this price; if it sold this product, it transfers the rest to us. The deadlines within which the said compensation will be paid are also indicated.”

A fire at the Wildberries warehouse in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg occurred on January 13, 2024. The open burning was extinguished only the next day. The media called this fire the largest among those that affected Russian retail; the fire area was 70 thousand square meters. m. Experts estimated the total damage at 13–15 billion rubles. Sellers received the first payments for their goods the next day, but many questions remained about the timing and amounts of subsequent payments; the company has not yet published them.

Vladislav Vatamanyuk, a partner in the law group Vatamanyuk and Partners, recalled the right to go to court if the site’s updated offer does not meet the sellers’ expectations: “If we accept any offer as part of a peaceful settlement, then, accordingly, we refuse any other the general rule of sanctions, losses, and so on. If, for some reason, the seller believes that the amount offered by Wildberries is significantly less than what he could have received and which he has suffered, then he can go directly to court. In this case, there will be a usual dispute between the amount offered by Wildberries and the amount that was actually caused to the seller.”

By the beginning of February, Wildberries had paid three compensations to sellers totaling 3 billion rubles. They claimed that they had paid partial compensation to most of the victims whose goods were burned in a warehouse in Shushary. It was noted on the market that a third of the sellers were unable to receive any compensation from the company, and the same number received no more than 2% of the value of the burned property.

Everything is clear with us – Telegram channel “Kommersant FM”.

Dennis Bespalov


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