Trains from Crimea delayed after state of emergency – Business – Kommersant

Trains from Crimea delayed after state of emergency - Business - Kommersant


The flow of tourists to the Crimea in connection with the sabotage at the temporary ammunition depot near Dzhankoy on August 16, according to the estimates of the tourism industry, will fall by a maximum of 5-10%: the vast majority of tourists arrive on the peninsula by car. Rail communication has not yet been restored, although the infrastructure, according to the assurances of the regional authorities, has been repaired. Passengers of evening and night trains from Crimea are delivered by buses from departure stations to Vladislavovka station, from where trains depart.

Delivery of passengers in communication with the Crimea after track damage as a result of the explosion of an ammunition depot near Dzhankoy on the morning of March 16, it is carried out with the help of buses. According to the Ministry of Defense, it’s about sabotage.

TK “Grand Service Express” (GSE, the operator of transportation in communication with the Crimea) in the morning reported that the movement of trains in the area of ​​​​Azovskaya station was suspended, seven trains were delayed (six – to Crimea, one – from Crimea). Among them, train 92 (Moscow-Sevastopol), 28 (Moscow-Simferopol), 180 (St. Petersburg-Evpatoria), 183 (Murmansk-Sevastopol) and 374 (Simferopol-Smolensk). At 16:00 GSE reported that the passengers of trains 92, 28 and 180 had already been sent to the destination by bus from Aivazovskaya station.

As Kommersant was told in the GSE, the number of passengers in the delayed trains is 3422.

So far, the GSE sends passengers from Crimea by bus and then by rail. The nearest trains from Crimea depart from Vladislavovka station, where passengers can either get on their own or get from the destination station or Simferopol by bus. A total of 78 buses are involved in transportation. According to the GSE report, train passengers 374 (Simferopol-Smolensk, departure 16:30), 598 (Simferopol-Moscow, departure 19:30) have already been delivered from Simferopol to Vladislavovka, departure from the departure stations of passengers of later trains will take place a few hours before the departure of trains from Vladislavovka. So, at 17:10 the passengers of the train 28 (Simferopol-Moscow) should depart from Simferopol, the train from Vladislavovka will leave at 20:16. At 17:55 train passengers 180 (Evpatoria-St. Petersburg) will leave Evpatoria to leave Vladislavovka at 21:55. After midnight, trains will depart from Vladislavovka: 92 (Sevastopol-Moscow, departure from Sevastopol at 20:55), 194 (Simferopol-Moscow, departure 22:25), 184 (Sevastopol-Murmansk, departure from Simferopol and Sevastopol corresponds to that indicated on the tickets).

Around noon Moscow time, the head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, announced that the damaged canvas had been restored; Kommersant’s interlocutor, who is familiar with the situation, confirms this. However, while the authorities do not give terms for the full resumption of railway communication.

By opinion representatives of the tourism industry, a global decline in tourist flow to Crimea in connection with the incident is not expected. According to the vice-president of ATOR Sergey Romashkin, 90-95% of tourists who have a rest in the Crimea come there by car. In his opinion, the reduction in demand for travel to Crimea due to the state of emergency will not exceed 5-10%.

Natalya Skorlygina


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