The Satire Theater in Moscow canceled two performances scheduled for January 31

The Satire Theater in Moscow canceled two performances scheduled for January 31


The Moscow Academic Theater of Satire has canceled two performances scheduled for January 31. On January 28, a fire occurred in the theater, then evening concerts were canceled to complete the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the fire.

“The performances of “Vasily Terkin” on the stage of “Attic of Satire” and “Night of Errors” on the main stage of the theater, scheduled for January 31, are canceled,” the statement says. message theater It clarifies that money for tickets will be refunded to spectators in full.

On January 28, the roof of the theater caught fire on an area of ​​350 square meters. m. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire was localized on the roof of the building, the fire did not penetrate into the theater building. According to preliminary information, the cause was a violation of safety regulations during repair work. No harm done. On the day of the fire there were canceled evening performances “Slave Girls” and “My Dear Ones”.


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