The government approved the concept of preserving the ethnocultural heritage of the Russian Federation

The government approved the concept of preserving the ethnocultural heritage of the Russian Federation


The government approved the Concept for the preservation and development of the “intangible ethnocultural heritage of Russia” until 2030, reported press service Cabinet According to the report, the concept involves creating conditions for the preservation, study and popularization of traditional culture – customs and rituals, holidays, folk tales, crafts, songs and dances.

As the government noted, the document provides for “systematic work” to identify, preserve and study ethnocultural heritage. This work will also include methodological support for cultural, scientific and educational institutions. In addition, the concept involves the inclusion of found examples of traditional culture in the federal and regional registers.

The press service report notes that the concept will contribute to the transfer of “spiritual experience” to new generations, the preservation of traditional spiritual and moral values, as well as “patriotic education.” On website The Ministry of Culture says that not only historical information is entered into the federal register, but also information about the bearers and custodians of this or that ethnocultural property. Proposals for inclusion in the register are sent by regional cultural authorities to the Ministry of Culture.


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