The final episode of “The Boy’s Word.” Blood on the Asphalt” will be released on schedule

The final episode of “The Boy’s Word.”  Blood on the Asphalt" will be released on schedule


The final episode of the Russian series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the Asphalt” will be released on the scheduled date – December 21. Director Zhora Kryzhovnikov wrote about this on his Instagram (belongs to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia).

December 15 director Zhora Kryzhovnikov and screenwriter Andrey Zolotarev stated about reshooting the ending of the series. According to them, this decision was made in order to achieve a more emotional ending. Then the producers noted that they would inform about the release date of the final episode additionally.

The first episode of the crime series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the Asphalt” was released in online cinemas on November 9. The series, like the book “The Boy’s Word. Criminal Tatarstan 1970–2010s” by Robert Garayev, talks about teenage gangs in the capital of Tatarstan during perestroika. The series ranks 57th in the ranking of the best series according to Kinopoisk, and the book in November was in second place in sales on Litres.

Read more about the series in the Kommersant publication. “”The Boy’s Word”: what the series is about and why they want to ban it”.

Alexandra Goroshilova


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