The Association of Software Developers proposed to subsidize software costs for new regions

The Association of Software Developers proposed to subsidize software costs for new regions


The number of entries in the register of Russian software exceeded 20 thousand in early February, said Renat Lashin, executive director of the association of software developers “Domestic Software” at conferences “Kommersant” “Industry 4.0: gaining momentum.” In his opinion, in order to replicate these solutions, it is necessary to offer subsidies for their implementation to small and medium-sized businesses and regions that will become part of Russia in 2022. Subsidies can cover 50–80% of costs.

According to Mr. Lashin, up to 50% of such costs could be subsidized for SMEs. He noted that similar programs have already been introduced, they need to be “reanimated”, since medium and small businesses have been actively growing recently. New regions, according to the expert, could be provided with subsidies covering up to 80% of the costs of purchasing and implementing Russian software. In this case, the territories that become part of Russia will become an additional market for Russian companies, he believes.

The fact that the number of records in register The software exceeded 20 thousand, Mr. Lashin wrote in his social networks February 9th. According to him, the “new thousand” took almost two and a half months. As of February 13, the list contains 20,189 items, and the number of software copyright holders is 7,530.

Managing partner of the infrastructure equipment manufacturer Fplus, Alexey Melnikov, noted during the session that in order to create a “habit of using Russian software” among consumers, it would be possible to oblige, for example, retail chains to sell equipment with a pre-installed Russian operating system. “Why are we deceiving someone and allowing people to buy hardware without software, when it actually has Windows?” – he said.

First Vice President of the Aquarius group of companies Dmitry Titov noted during the discussion that the consumer, by and large, is not interested in promoting a Russian product, since he wants a working product that he is used to, and the transition to new solutions for it should be as seamless as possible.

Why the number of Russian operating systems in the Ministry of Digital Development registry will soon have to be regulated – in the Kommersant material “Android will be loaded into Aquarius”.


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