Russian brewers are asking to abolish the mandatory accounting system for beer and cider at enterprises

Russian brewers are asking to abolish the mandatory accounting system for beer and cider at enterprises


The Union of Brewers of Russia and the Association of Craft Brewers (Craft Depot) at the end of January sent a letter to the head of the Russian government apparatus, Dmitry Grigorenko, with a request to consider the possibility of exempting the industry from the obligation to install automatic measuring and accounting equipment (ASIiU). A copy is at the disposal of Vedomosti. The government office confirmed the receipt of the document, adding that it had been redirected to the Ministry of Finance. The representative of the latter did not respond to a request.

Producers of beer and beer products, cider, poiret and mead, according to the current legislation, are required to establish ASIiU and transfer data to Rosalkogolregulirovanie in case of production of more than 300,000 decalitres of drinks per year. In 2021, they decided to tighten this requirement: then the State Duma adopted in the first reading the draft law “On the register of brewers”, which reduced the minimum limit to 100,000 decalitres. Now the document is included in the approximate work plan of the State Duma for February 2023.


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