Imported Christmas trees may rise in price by a quarter due to sanctions

Imported Christmas trees may rise in price by a quarter due to sanctions


Roslesinforg predicts a 25% increase in the price of Christmas trees from abroad in 2022. Previously, Christmas trees were imported mainly from Denmark and Poland. At the same time, the department assured that the shortage of Christmas trees is definitely not worth waiting for.

“This year, due to sanctions restrictions and logistical problems, imported Christmas trees will increase in price even more, according to Roslesinforg forecasts, the price increase can reach 25%,” Roslesinforg said (quote from TASS). It is noted that the price of imported Christmas trees was 3-4 times higher than Russian ones.

According to Roslesinforg, this situation will allow domestic harvesters of Christmas trees, firs and pines to increase the pace of harvesting trees. It is expected that 55 thousand trees will be harvested in Russia in 2022. Mostly Christmas trees are supplied by the Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the Central strip of Russia, Christmas trees come from the Novogorodsk region. The main supplier of artificial Christmas trees is China. Their deficit in Roslesinforge is not expected.

Russians can cut down their own Christmas tree themselves: to do this, you need to contact the nearest forestry and find the tree you like in the forest. The cost for felling a tree depends on the region: prices depend on its height.

Anastasia Larina


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