Business washes dirty linen in public – Kommersant FM

Business washes dirty linen in public – Kommersant FM


A third of entrepreneurs have conflicts with business partners already in the first year of cooperation. Analysts from the consulting company Soter came to these conclusions based on the results of the survey. Among the most common causes of conflicts are different visions of the future of the business, unequal contribution to the common cause, illiterate distribution of resources and areas of responsibility. At the same time, almost every third respondent answered that there was no significant conflict in their partnership at all. And 80% of respondents consider open conversation the most effective way to resolve business conflicts. The second most popular option is the help of experts.

Kommersant FM talked to entrepreneurs and found out what conflicts they faced and how they structured their work with partners. Thus, the co-founder of the TechnoNIKOL company, Sergei Kolesnikov, is sure that often the problem is in the efficiency of the enterprise itself, and not in communication:

“Conflicts always exist. There are solvable ones, they are not related to the emotional state and claims to each other. There are unsolvable ones when you have a personal claim against an emotional background. The first can be resolved by putting everything in order, concluding a corporate agreement, agreeing on investments and mutual responsibility.

The second category of conflicts is in the area of ​​spirit, emotions, behavior, and culture. As a rule, this is the most difficult thing to do, and such a partnership will not last long. Plus, there are external circumstances: the more successful the business, the fewer conflicts arise around, the more tolerant people are towards each other.

I have encountered two types of conflict situations. In the first case, we agreed on mutual responsibility; in the second, we removed emotions towards each other. I think that in eight cases out of 10, partners are faced with objective difficulties; they simply do not have enough resources to cope with the problems. This is especially true for small businesses, which for the most part are either unprofitable or low-profit. When partners cannot return the capital invested in the business, the search for the culprit begins.”

The chairman of the board of directors of the engineering company 2K, Ivan Andrievsky, told Kommersant FM that he parted ways with his business partner, with whom he had worked for more than 20 years, during the period of transformation of the enterprise:

“I worked with one business partner for more than 20 years, then disagreements began and he left the business. And I have been working with the other for about 15 years, there are disagreements, but I think they are insignificant. They are often due to the fact that partners at the initial stage do not fully inform each other about both their risks and their expectations.

When hard times come, a showdown begins. After a long stage of communication and joint work, there always comes a period when the economy begins to change and it is necessary to restructure the conduct of business, strengthen the material and technical base, and invest money in the business.”

According to a study by the Atlanta business club, every fourth Russian entrepreneur turned to mentors. Moreover, about 70% noted positive results. Mentors are used to resolve conflicts, optimize business processes, and search for promising areas for growth.

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Sabina Adleyba


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