Alphabet, Meta, Opera and 7 other companies joined the open ecosystems coalition

Alphabet, Meta, Opera and 7 other companies joined the open ecosystems coalition


Companies Alphabet, Qualcomm, Meta (recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and banned.— “Kommersant”), Honor, Lenovo, Motorola, Opera, French augmented reality systems developer Lynx, British electronics manufacturer Nothing and German messenger developer Wire announced on the creation of the Coalition for Open Digital Ecosystems (CODE).

The new organization aims to develop open digital platforms and promote innovation in Europe. Coalition members will work together with researchers, European regulators and technology companies to achieve “greater digital openness”, which must be achieved “as part of the implementation of EU digital markets law and the future development of the European regulatory environment in this area.”

Last November, the EU passed the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and law on the digital services market (Digital Services Act, DSA). DMA assumes measures against monopolism and abuse of their position by Internet giants. The law requires the largest technology companies operating in the EU to, among other things, do not require installation of important software (for example, browsers) from the same platform when installing an operating system, ensure fair access for different application developers to smartphone functions such as NFC chips, provide sellers with access to data on the effectiveness of marketing and advertising on the platform, ensure compatibility various messaging services, etc. The law concerns large technology companies, which the EU called “gatekeepers” of the digital market – meaning their influence on the market as large players and intermediaries of services.

Evgeny Khvostik


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