About 1.2 trillion rubles of investments will be required to support the coal industry until 2030

About 1.2 trillion rubles of investments will be required to support the coal industry until 2030


The Ministry of Energy has estimated the investments that the coal industry will need until 2030 in order to avoid a negative development scenario with a sharp decline in production. To redirect coal exports to the Asia-Pacific countries and stimulate domestic demand, investments in the industry at the level of 1–1.2 trillion rubles are required. until 2030, of which about 200 billion from the federal budget. The construction and modernization of the railway infrastructure, including the Eastern Test Site (BAM and Trans-Siberian Railway), an increase in coal generation (which will provide additional consumption of 1 million tons of coal until 2030), and equipment import substitution are envisaged.

Such a target scenario is given in the presentation of the Ministry of Energy, which was reviewed by Vedomosti. A source familiar with its content explained that the document was prepared for the strategic session on the fuel and energy complex in the government, held at the end of July.


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