The European Union included in the sanctions of Russian artists

The European Union included in the sanctions of Russian artists


Well-known Russian artists Yulia Chicherina, Nikolai Rastorguev, Oleg Gazmanov fell into new EU sanctions against Russia. All three are known for their active support of the NWO RF in Ukraine.

So, Chicherina, in addition to participating in concerts, speaks to military personnel – members of the NWO who are undergoing treatment.

Rastorguev with his group “Lyube” recently performed in Moscow at a big concert in honor of the entry of four new subjects into the Russian Federation. After the concert in Stavropol, he also said: “The guys from the LPR and DPR arrived – this is very important, because they need to feel our support, feel that we are there.”

Gazmanov has spoken out many times in support of the Russian military. In July, he visited the scene of the tragedy that took place in Belgorod on July 3. In addition, the artist criticized his colleagues who left Russia after February.

Earlier, the European Union included actors Vladimir Mashkov and Sergei Bezrukov in the seventh package of anti-Russian sanctions.


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