Viktor Rakov, who played Bulgakov’s hero, spoke about the new film “The Master and Margarita”

Viktor Rakov, who played Bulgakov’s hero, spoke about the new film “The Master and Margarita”


“It’s not interesting,” the actor admitted

The film “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Lokshin caused mixed reactions. “MK” asked Lenkom actor Viktor Rakov, who played the Master in the film of the same name by Yuri Kara in the dashing 90s, for his opinion about the most scandalous film of 2024.

In the heady 1990s, the filming of “The Master” caused a lot of noise, and Kara in his interviews fueled this interest with all sorts of “tricks”. For example, because many beautiful actresses were ready to act naked in the role of Margarita, including Anna Samokhina, Irina Alferova and Anastasia Vertinskaya, who was eventually approved.

“I know that Kara offered the role of Master to Oleg Yankovsky, and he, in turn, wanted to play Woland. But Woland was already behind Gaft. At first I was cast as Ivan Bezdomny, but played the Master. My comrades suggested that I give up the role and work with Kara altogether. Some artists ignored this picture and “disappeared” from it in every possible way,” admitted Viktor Rakov.

– Have you seen Mikhail Lokshin’s new film “The Master and Margarita” and what do you think about this film?

– I think nothing. “I didn’t watch it,” the People’s Artist of Russia succinctly answered “MK.”

– Didn’t have time to watch it because they stopped showing it in cinemas?

– No, I didn’t watch it simply because I didn’t watch it. I am not interested.

– All adaptations of Mikhail Bulkakov are haunted by fate. Were you somehow worried that the same film “The Master and Margarita” with your participation was released 10 years later?

– To be honest, I wasn’t expecting him anymore, because time had passed. I’ll tell you more simply – an expensive egg for Christ’s Day. If a film is made, it must be shown. And if it is not shown: firstly, there is probably some reason, and secondly, it is still moving and developing forward. And if this film appears 10-12 years later, it may already be outdated. Well, they released it – and good!


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