The procedure for calculating payment for importing a car from the EAEU will change from April 1

The procedure for calculating payment for importing a car from the EAEU will change from April 1


The Russian government has clarified the procedure for calculating payment for importing a car from the territory of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). From April 1, unpaid taxes and fees on cars cleared by customs in the EAEU countries will be included in the recycling fee, reported press service government.

Such a decision will avoid a situation where persons importing cars from the EAEU “receive unjustified advantages compared to car owners who do this in Russia and pay the taxes and fees established by law in full,” the press service notes. The government decree also establishes the obligation to carry out the customs clearance procedure for electric cars exclusively in Russia.

Control of the correctness of calculations is entrusted to the federal customs service. The formula by which accruals will be made is approved by the resolution.

A recycling fee in Russia is a tax that importers and manufacturers must pay for each vehicle produced or imported into the country. It is charged to ensure the subsequent recycling of this vehicle.

Read more about the collection in the material “Disposal fee: what is it, who pays it.”

Alexandra Goroshilova


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