The Ministry of Natural Resources has developed a list of scarce types of solid minerals

The Ministry of Natural Resources has developed a list of scarce types of solid minerals


The Ministry of Natural Resources has prepared lists of scarce types of solid minerals and products with a high added value from these raw materials. The draft order has been submitted to the government.

The list of scarce raw materials includes uranium, manganese, chromium, titanium, bauxite, molybdenum, tungsten, rare metals (lithium, beryllium, zirconium and others), as well as graphite and fluorspar. The list of products with high added value from scarce raw materials consists of 310 items. It also included lithium carbonate, vanadium oxides and hydroxides, tungstates, ferroniobium, and semi-colloidal graphite.

The authorities want to reorient geological exploration and create conditions for the accelerated launch of new projects for the extraction and processing of scarce raw materials in order to achieve technological sovereignty, said the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Alexander Kozlov. “Our mineral resource base is capable of fully meeting the needs of industry and entering the world market with the export of our own products with high added value,” says his statement on website Ministry of Natural Resources.

The government has the right to approve lists of scarce raw materials and products made from them from the end of 2023. For such raw materials and products, it will be possible to establish reduced starting payments for auctions according to individual instructions of the president. Authorities will also be able to set special requirements for auction participants.

About the problem of finding deposits of scarce raw materials – in the material of Kommersant “Intelligence did not get to the bottom of rare metals”.

Leonid Uvarchev


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