The Ministry of Agriculture no longer sets the task of occupying a quarter of the European and American pollock and cod markets

The Ministry of Agriculture no longer sets the task of occupying a quarter of the European and American pollock and cod markets


The Ministry of Agriculture wants to exclude from the program for the development of the fishery complex the goal of obtaining 25% of the markets of the European Union, the USA and Canada through the export of Russian products from pollock and cod. He no longer sets the task of taking 10% of the salmon market in the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). This follows from the document, which is posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts on March 20, 2023. Representatives of the Ministry and the Federal Agency for Fisheries confirmed plans to amend the program.

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture explained that exports to Europe, North America and Asia have dominated the structure of fish trade in recent decades. But at the moment, sales to certain regions are closed to Russian fishermen. The market of the Asia-Pacific countries is changing and it is difficult to assess its potential, the source of Vedomosti added. This was also reported by the representative of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.


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