The last song of Boris Moiseev was recorded on the phone when he was in pain

The last song of Boris Moiseev was recorded on the phone when he was in pain


Boris Moiseev, who died at the age of 68, did not please fans with new hits due to illness.

He led a reclusive life. But in 2019, the artist released a collaboration with singing stylist Alisher.

The stylist revealed that he wrote the track “Rotterdam”, inspired by the work of Nikolai Baskov and Philip Kirkorov “Ibiza”.

He offered to perform the composition to Boris Moiseev, the men were friends for many years.

The artist, despite health problems, agreed.

Alisher said that the part of Boris Moiseev was recorded right at his home. The artist’s voice sounded playful, in his usual manner. However, work was not easy for Moiseev.

That singer even spoke with great difficulty and moved poorly. Alisher wanted to shoot a video for the song, but did not do it without Boris Moiseev. The latter did not allow health to come to the site.

The recording was carried out on a regular smartphone, the artist suffered from pain.


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