The government has approved the main criteria for leasing drones – Kommersant

The government has approved the main criteria for leasing drones - Kommersant


The government has approved the basic principles for implementing the preferential leasing program for unmanned aerial vehicles, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov said. 2.5 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program, reported press service government.

The document describes the requirements for drone suppliers, establishes the procedure for considering applications from potential clients, the amount of advance payment and the maximum amount of funds allocated to one lessee. These principles have been agreed upon with major market players, the government said.

The preferential leasing program will begin to operate in April, when the money allocated for implementation will be transferred from the federal budget to the State Transport Leasing Company (STLC). Preferential leasing will affect all types of drones, with the exception of educational ones.

In November 2023, State Transport Leasing Company presented drone marketplace prototype. The trading platform is planned to open in 2024. It will be possible to order a domestic drone, register the device, insure it, and also arrange leasing.

Read more about tightening flight rules for drones and small aircraft in the material “Drones have outlined the sky”.

Alexandra Goroshilova


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