The French do not trust Emmanuel Macron to protect their purchasing power, according to a survey

The French do not trust Emmanuel Macron to protect their purchasing power, according to a survey


More than 8 out of 10 French people surveyed (84%) believe that France is currently vulnerable in terms of energy. MOHAMMED BADRA / AFP

SURVEY – Only 35% of French people consider Emmanuel Macron up to the current ecological challenges, according to an Odoxa Backbone Consulting survey for Le Figaro. They deplore France’s lack of investment in nuclear power.

Although they are ready to make efforts in terms of energy consumption, the French remain worried. Interviewed as part of an Odoxa Backbone Consulting survey for Le Figaro, 84% think that France is a vulnerable country from an energy point of view. A concern that has increased by 11 points in six months.

For 54% of those questioned, the first cause of this vulnerability in terms of energy is above all due to France’s lack of investment in nuclear power plants (plant closures and lack of investment). Next come France’s lack of investment in renewable energies (42%) and the consequences of the war in Ukraine (40%). Only 26% of French people believe that the country’s vulnerability is linked to the fact that we consume too much energy.

In this perception of the causes of our vulnerability, the right-left divide appears implicitly. Indeed, 69% of right-wing sympathizers put the lack of investment in nuclear power in the foreground, against only 38% of those on the left. Conversely, it is the too weak effort towards renewable energies which is considered to be mainly responsible for the situation for the left (53%), while it only comes in third position on the right (32% ).

Macron deemed not up to the challenge

Faced with the proposed solutions, the French are volunteers. They are mostly in favor of a 10% reduction in electricity consumption by companies over a given period (76%), but opposed to a complete shutdown of production (69%) and power outages (52%) in the event of high voltage on the network. Individually, respondents are willing to make efforts, whether it’s reducing their energy consumption, turning off their devices rather than leaving them on standby and reducing the temperature of their homes.

But in the storm, the French do not trust their captain. Only 47% believe that Emmanuel Macron will be able to ensure the supply of gas and electricity in the months to come. 60% do not believe it capable of protecting their purchasing power in the face of rising energy prices, and barely one in three (35%) consider it up to the current ecological issues. “The low level of general confidence in Emmanuel Macron is reflected in the strategic question of his role in protecting us against the energy crisis, of which we only know the beginnings for the moment.», emphasizes Céline Bracq, general manager of Odoxa.

Unsurprisingly, the perception of Emmanuel Macron fluctuates according to partisan orientations. Only 24% of those close to the National Rally have confidence in the action of the Head of State to ensure the supply of gas and electricity in the coming months, but they are in the majority among supporters of La République en Marche (83%), Republicans (53%) and environmentalists (52%).

(This survey was carried out on a sample of 1004 French people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, interviewed by internet from August 31 to September 1, 2022.)


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