The European Commission has allocated six technological monopolies for regulation

The European Commission has allocated six technological monopolies for regulation


Today, 6 September, the European Commission presented list of six tech companies that she considers especially dangerous in terms of monopoly and which she will regulate more strictly than other services. The list includes five American companies – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta (recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation), Microsoft, and the Chinese ByteDance.

The activities of these corporations will be regulated by the Digital Markets Act, which in the EU agreed in March last year. It entered into force in May of this year, but will become fully operational next year.

The law provides for stricter regulation of the activities of large technology corporations – they are called controllers / gatekeepers (gatekeepers) of the digital market – and the fight against their monopoly. These are companies that have at least one major platform with significant influence in the EU.

Among other things, they are required to give users the opportunity to unsubscribe from their main services, while maintaining the remaining conditions; ensure compatibility of different messaging services; inform the European Commission about mergers and acquisitions. A number of prohibitions also apply to them, including they are prohibited from making preferences for goods and services provided by the Internet platform itself; preinstall some applications and so on.

As noted in the European Commission, the listed six companies control a total of 22 popular services. It is reported that the European Commission informed these companies a month and a half ago. Corporations will now have six months to bring their activities into line with the new law. For its violation, they face huge fines: up to 10% of global turnover for the first violation and up to 20% for the second.

Yana Rozhdestvenskaya


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