Subsidies for transportation to Kaliningrad by sea will be extended to cargo subject to EU sanctions

Subsidies for transportation to Kaliningrad by sea will be extended to cargo subject to EU sanctions


Subsidies for the delivery of goods to the Kaliningrad region by sea will be available for goods whose transportation through Lithuania has been restricted. This was announced by the Governor of the region Anton Alikhanov.

“That is, it is either directly sanctioned cargo, or cargo that is quota-based and subject to restrictions on quotas by the European Union for rail transportation,” he said during a live broadcast on VKontakte (quoted by TASS).

Deputy Chairman of the regional government Dmitry Kuskov said that they want to introduce federal subsidies for the transportation of goods by sea so that they are equal in price to land transit. The subsidies are to be launched in September.

Since June 18, Lithuania has stopped the transit to and from Kaliningrad of goods subject to EU sanctions. In the European Commission clarifiedthat rail transport to Kaliningrad through Lithuania is possible subject to transit supervision. Anton Alikhanov 9 August informedthat the region has exhausted the limits of goods that can be delivered through Lithuania by rail.

Details – in the material “Kommersant” “Transit to Kaliningrad is closed.”

Laura Keffer


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