Seven people will leave the board of Otkritie Bank

Seven people will leave the board of Otkritie Bank


Otkritie Bank announced changes in the composition of the board of the credit institution. The press service reported that seven members of the board of Otkritie, including the head of the bank Mikhail Zadornov and deputy president-chairman of the board Nadia Cherkasova, will leave their posts on December 31.

As specified in press servicein addition to Mr. Zadornov and Mrs. Cherkasova, Dmitry Levin, Svetlana Emelyanova, Natalia Smirnova, Viktor Nikolaev and Irina Kremleva will leave the board of the bank.

April 24 US Treasury introduced sanctions against the management of FC Otkritie. All of the above employees of the bank, with the exception of Ms. Smirnova, were included in the sanctions list. December 27 Bank of Russia released from the capital of FC Otkritie and sold a 100% stake in VTB for 340 billion rubles. The post of chairman of the board of Otkritie Bank will be taken by the ex-head of Unicredit Bank, former deputy chairman of the board of the Central Bank, Mikhail Alekseev.

More details – in the material “Kommersant” “”Opening” ended.”

Milena Kostereva


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