Sergei Bezrukov called Shirvindt his godfather on the stage

Sergei Bezrukov called Shirvindt his godfather on the stage


The young artist took to the stage, despite the circumstances

The artist recalled how Alexander Shirvindt once invited Vitaly Bezrukov and his young son, who had just begun to engage in parody, to perform at the anniversary of the Satire Theater. However, there was one condition: it was necessary to show the number in advance. Unfortunately, Sergei did not have time for the rehearsal, and when it seemed that everything was over, the director decided to take a risk and approved the performance.

“I consider Shirvindt to be my godfather on the stage,” Sergei Bezrukov commented on this act in his Telegram channel with such warm words.

Like many colleagues, he remembers the people’s artist with warmth, saying that everyone loved him, from the broad masses to fine connoisseurs. “They say that this was only the tip of the iceberg of his acting skills, but for us, the audience, the tip was enough,” said Sergei Bezrukov.


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