Sales of books by Chinese authors have increased in Russia

Sales of books by Chinese authors have increased in Russia


Sales of Chinese literature grew by more than 85% over the year. The leader of this winter was the final part of the series of short stories “The Blessing of the Celestials” by the Chinese writer Moxiang Tongxiu, this was reported on the “Read City” network. The work overtook last year’s favorite – a book about self-knowledge “Tenderly to Yourself” by Olga Primachenko. 2.5 thousand more copies were sold, the company noted. In general, the demand for literature by Chinese authors in January-February 2024 increased by more than 80%. In the top ten sales leaders is another work by Tunshu – “Save-yourself-system for the Main Villain.”

There are several reasons for this trend, notes the leading PR manager of the Read-Gorod bookstore chain, Polina Mannanova: “In total, in 2023, more than 200 thousand books by Mosyan Tunsu were sold in the Read-Gorod chain. This can, of course, be associated primarily with the global trend toward Asia; readers are increasingly turning to Eastern authors, and China is no exception. This is also due to the fact that in December the sixth and final part of “The Blessing of the Celestials” was published, and here everything is natural, since in cycles and series the most popular books are always the first and final ones.

And the third reason is interest in the Chinese fantasy genre as such. Now fantasy based on Chinese mythology is popular not only among readers, but also among authors, including in Russia. There are, for example, a number of Russian-language authors who write in this style, these are Lucida Aquila, El Morgoth and others.”

Sales of books by Chinese authors on the Wildberries platform have “increased several times” this year, confirms a representative of the marketplace. At the beginning of 2023, science fiction was popular, and at the end of the year, Russian publishers began to actively publish romance and adventure fantasy and fantasy historical novels and comics.

Because of such demand, we have to increase circulation, says Evgeniy Kapyev, general director of the Eksmo-AST publishing house: “We are now publishing a fairly large number of Chinese authors, and we see high popularity. Even some Russian authors who write in a Chinese setting take Chinese pseudonyms so that the audience perceives them correctly. The average circulation of Chinese authors is higher than in other countries. At the same time, due to competition, advances to Chinese authors have also increased, and there has also been a certain increase. Now the average advance is at least 30% higher than other countries, and often more.”

As Kommersant FM was told in Read-Gorod, the most popular Chinese writer in Russia was Liu Cixin, the author of the science fiction novel “The Three-Body Problem.” On March 21, the Netflix platform released a series based on this work. But, as noted in Read-City, interest in the book by the Chinese author grew regardless of the film adaptation. In 2022, the number of readers increased by almost 25%, in 2023 by another 50%, and in anticipation of the release of the series, sales increased by 2.5 times.

Everything is clear with us – Telegram channel “Kommersant FM”.

Maria Shirokova


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