Russian Foreign Ministry estimates business costs from carbon regulation at $3-4 billion

Russian Foreign Ministry estimates business costs from carbon regulation at $3-4 billion


Approximately $3-4 billion could be the cost of Russian business from carbon regulation of exports to Asian and Middle Eastern directions, said Nikolai Korchunov, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He noted that the increase in carbon costs is natural to the growth of exports of Russian products to Asian markets.

“Given the increase in the supply of Russian goods to Asian markets, the average annual costs of carbon regulation of Russian exports to Asia and the Middle East will also grow,” Mr. Korchunov said during a session of the Global Financial Forum at the Russian Academy of Sciences (quoted by TASS).

He clarified that an estimate of $3-4 billion is relevant, provided that up to half of Russian exports that previously went to Europe will be redirected to Asian markets.

The thesis that under current conditions Russian business will need to adapt carbon regulation to the requirements of Asian exporting countries is widely discussed during WEF-2022. Earlier, a national register of carbon units was launched in Russia.

About the carbon agenda in business – in the material “Kommersant” “Carbon of other valences”.

Andrey Sapozhnikov


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