Regional retail chains will join the voluntary limitation of margins

Regional retail chains will join the voluntary limitation of margins


Regional retail chains will introduce voluntary limits on markups on basic socially important goods, as large retailers did earlier. The proposal was discussed at a meeting of the Ministry of Industry and Trade with representatives of retail and interested departments. This was reported by the press service of the ministry.

Restrictions will be set on the margin on seasonal vegetables, sugar, bread and dairy products. “Such solutions successfully allow for a year in a row to maintain a comfortable combination of cost / quality of goods in the consumer market in Russia under any conditions,” said Viktor Evtukhov, Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (quoted from “Interfax”).

Previously, federal retail chains introduced voluntary limits on markups on socially important goods. The maximum mark-up for such goods can be 5%.

In February, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service did not support the initiative of the State Duma to limit trade margins on essential foodstuffs. The departments considered that this could lead to destabilization of the economy and a deficit.

More details – in the material “Kommersant” “Products will be shareware”.

Olesya Pavlenko


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