Questions arose about the series “Knock on my door in Moscow”

Questions arose about the series “Knock on my door in Moscow”


How did the Russian version of the Turkish hit turn out?

Fans of the Turkish TV series “Knock on My Door” were waiting for the release of the Russian version of the super-successful project with some apprehension. The creators diligently kept the intrigue and did not disclose the names of the actors who played the main roles. However, after the premiere of “Knock on My Door in Moscow” it became clear that the main problem here was not the acting one.

The original version of the series was released in 2020 and created quite a sensation. Two seasons, one hundred and sixty episodes (in Turkey the number of episodes is directly proportional to the success of the project), coverage in dozens of countries and the total delight of lovers of melodramas with exotic flavors. The Russification of the project was approached with great caution. Unlike other series adapted in Russia, “Knock on My Door” was successfully broadcast on local air and acquired a considerable army of fans.

Apparently, that’s why they decided not to improvise too much, keeping the main storylines. The student, deprived of a grant scholarship, works in a flower shop and has a lot of complaints against the owner of the architectural bureau, who oversaw the course and seemed to insist on her expulsion. By coincidence, they meet, and the girl receives an offer, in exchange for solving all problems, to portray the bride of the most desirable groom in the city for some time. This is how the marathon of deceit and love begins.

The question of who will be local Hende Erçel and Kerem Bursin, who played the main roles in the original, was almost the most important for fans of the series. You can probably argue until you are hoarse how Liana Grib and Nikita Volkov are suitable for these roles, but within the framework of the adaptation everything is correct: the types are really similar. The rest of the characters also generally fit into the overall landscape. But after the first episodes, the questions “who?” And How?” fade into the background. I would like to understand more – why?

Russia has a very solid experience of adapting foreign TV series. They used melodramas and sitcoms, which turned into real hits like “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” or “Voronina”, and over time much more intricate projects were Russified: “Motherland”, “Bridge”, “Your Honor”, ​​“Awakening”, “Cipher”. And the more complex the source code was, the more courage the Russian team showed in its desire to do even better than what was originally thought up.

Stars of the first magnitude appeared in the roles, only a skeleton remained from the original script, and visual solutions that were quite daring for local television were proposed. In such settings, “Knock on My Door in Moscow” looks like a step back.

It must be admitted that soap operas of original bottling on Russian channels did not work out. They turned out to be very dull, so fans of the genre loved foreign ones. And Anglo-Saxon (“Santa Barbara”, “Return to Eden”), and Latin American (from “Slave Isaura” to “Wild Angel”), and Turkish, with which Russians became acquainted back in the nineties, when they showed the series “Korolek – the songbird” “

The new generation of Turkish melodramas is distinguished by completely different technologies and investments. But even in the 2000s, many projects, including “Knock on My Door,” did not get rid of their signature “soap” techniques. The looks of the characters are still sometimes comically languid, sometimes passionate, pauses in the action give what is happening on the screen a meditative rhythm, the picture couldn’t be more elegant.

In our interpretation, the exotic cocktail is fairly diluted with ice. Instead of landscapes that awaken vacation nostalgia, there is Moscow (albeit, flooded with sun and reminiscent of the most daring renderings of the best developers, which will probably make those who live here laugh a lot), the flame of the heroes’ eyes is slightly muted, and events develop faster. Although by local standards it is still very slow. The local public is already accustomed to the fact that new TV series need to be watched quite carefully, because you can miss the thread of the plot.

“Knock on My Door in Moscow” takes you back to a time when you didn’t have to worry about the plot – it won’t run away from you. In this situation, it’s a little embarrassing for the young actors who are obviously accustomed to the new serial speeds. Not only do they have nothing special to play here, but they also need to do it in slow motion.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29221 dated February 21, 2024

Newspaper headline:
Deceit and love


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