Perturbation // Gazprom Energoholding will share scarce machines with RusHydro

Perturbation // Gazprom Energoholding will share scarce machines with RusHydro


As Kommersant found out, Gazprom (MOEX: GAZP) Energy Holding (GEH) wants to abandon the modernization of two power units at Surgutskaya GRES-1 due to the impossibility of timely delivery of Silmash steam turbines. The GEH claims that they want to transfer scarce machines to RusHydro (MOEX: HYDR) for the construction of the Neryungri State District Power Plant by 2026 to supply energy to the Eastern site. In return, the State Geological Exchange asks for a reduction in fines for withdrawing from the Surgut project. Analysts believe that the generating company may include the fine in the price of the turbine, calling their cancellation a “vicious practice.”


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