Ilya Reznik lost millions because of Pugacheva: she left and left the poor

Ilya Reznik lost millions because of Pugacheva: she left and left the poor


The songs of Alla Pugacheva were removed from the air of Russian radio stations. Most of all, the famous poet Ilya Reznik, who wrote Alla Borisovna several dozen hits, is worried about this. Due to the ban on “Prima Donna”, Ilya Rakhmielevich was left without an impressive amount of royalties. Because of this, Reznik, according to him, will be forced to close his children’s theaters “Little Country”. He first told the MK correspondent about this.

“The fact that Pugacheva’s songs were no longer played on radio stations is terrible news for me,” Ilya Rakhmielevich sighs. – Ira (wife of the poet. – Ed.) today called the company that deals with our copyrights, and they told her there: “Due to the fact that the broadcasts and rotation of the songs of the departed performers are prohibited, the contributions of the authors have decreased six times.” And this process is irreversible. Previously, our copyright was “lost” in the Russian Open Society. Recently, thank God, the situation has normalized. We started making good money. But it didn’t last long.

I understand that in this way the management of the radio stations wants to punish the performers who spoke badly about Russia and left it. But you can’t punish them like that. They will still have corporate parties. Not in Russia, but in other countries where our emigrants live. They will still earn money for their mansions and planes. And we, the authors, can only write poetry and music. Should we suffer because of the departed singers? The performer betrayed his homeland, abandoned everything and went abroad! But I, for example, always stand up for the Motherland, support our president. So why can’t my songs be played?

Are your finances really that bad?

– There is no other way out. All theaters – two in the Crimea and one in Moscow – existed on our money.

– Does Alla Borisovna already know about this? Have you contacted her?

– No, I didn’t call. What should I talk about with her? If she left, left her homeland at such a difficult moment, then what can be discussed? .. Another thing worries me. I will have an anniversary concert in the Kremlin next year. It turns out that I should not insert into the program “Old Clock”, “Maestro”, “Let’s Sit, Have a Look” and other songs? But they are my life. 71 songs were written for Pugacheva!

What way out of the situation do you see?

– Songs should be played on the radio. First, it is the history of the country. Understand that these songs belong to the people in the first place, and not to Pugacheva. People love them, but now they can’t listen. In addition, I repeat, the rotation on the radio is the income of the authors. Tell me what should I do now? Should I be a beggar? I don’t have sponsors, no one helps us. I can’t walk with outstretched hands! We barely survived anyway. Ira has elderly parents who are in our care. We only spend 150,000 rubles on medicines every month. I’ve taken on copyright debt. I thought that I would repay them with the amount that would come. And now she won’t come. I have no idea where to get money to pay off debts.

– But you have many other hits: “I will part the clouds with my hands” performed by Allegrova, “Little Country” – by Natasha Koroleva, “My mother spoke softly to me” – Kirkorov …

– The main deductions were just for Allina’s songs. Due to the fact that they were removed from the rotation, I will now receive from 150 to 200 thousand rubles per quarter. And I took 850 thousand! I thought that a million and a half would come, as before, and I would settle accounts with everyone! So what’s now? I will stand on Tverskaya with a hat and collect from passers-by. And how to live?..

– Ilya Rakhmielevich, but you can’t say that you are in poverty!

Yes, everyone thinks I’m a millionaire. Because I’m wearing white. But I don’t really have any other sources of income other than royalties. Nobody buys songs now. We recently wrote a great work about a special operation in Ukraine – “The Beloved Don’t Die”, which was performed by the amazing Aziza. Thousands of women across the country cry to this song. Did someone pay me for it? No, I gave it to Aziz, because I realized: only she can perform such a strong work! Moreover, I even paid for the video for this song from my own funds.

– By the way, why is Loved One Don’t Die almost never aired? Everywhere Shaman with the hit “I’m Russian”!

These questions are not for me. Shaman is a commercial project. A producer called me the other day. He says that a few months ago he paid 600 thousand rubles for the Shaman’s visit. And a month later, according to the producer, he had already asked for three million three hundred thousand rubles. That’s the whole answer. Therefore, it is rotated. And we write songs for free: “Our army is the strongest”, “Serve Russia”, “Dedication to the President” … I can’t even dare to say that they paid me for them. Because these works come from the heart.

– Next year is your 85th anniversary. Ready already?

“Of course, we are actively preparing. Health, thank God, does not fail. Nearby is my beloved wife Irochka, my wall and support. She and I are optimists. And we believe that everything will be fine with God’s help for all of us. And the victory over fascism will come soon! We wish health to all soldiers, heroes of our time. May everyone return home alive.


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