“I would have saved Vysotsky”: Teresa Durova spoke about theater management

“I would have saved Vysotsky”: Teresa Durova spoke about theater management


While visiting the MK Theater Environment, People’s Artist of Russia Tereza Durova spoke about the importance of discipline and how she copes with difficulties.

“Having unlimited power is wonderful, provided that you understand the extent of responsibility, and it is very large,” says Teresa Durova. “I am responsible for the fate of the actors, costume designers, all the people around me and, of course, for the fate of the theater – where I am taking it, what will happen inside…

Theater is a closed sphere; there must be a powerful core inside. It can be scary, but I step over the fear and move on, I am curious, not difficult: I often say: “This invigorates me.”

Teresa added: “I was raised by the circus, and the circus has tendencies that I have retained in myself: for example, the animals in the stable depend on me, and I am obliged to do everything to ensure that they are fed.

I’m constantly in a time situation – I have a rigid schedule and I know what I’m going to do on Monday and Tuesday. I never put anything off; if I need to call, I pick up the phone and call. “I’ll call you tomorrow” – there is no such concept in my life.

This is what gives me the opportunity to work calmly – very strict discipline. By the way, my actors are never late for rehearsals; it’s easier for them to arrive on time than to explain to me why they were late. They know I’m already at rehearsal.”

When asked about talented actors who live in creative chaos and lack of discipline, Teresa noted that she could not even work with Vysotsky: “Would he stay in my theater? No. Would I like him to work for me? Yes, sure. But I think I would have saved him and helped him get out.”


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