How much uranium has been produced in the world since 1945

How much uranium has been produced in the world since 1945


On January 26, 1939, at a conference on theoretical physics in Washington, Niels Bohr announced the discovery of uranium fission. Uranium mining began in the 1940s, first for military and then for civilian purposes. By estimates World Nuclear Association, since 1945, cumulative production has reached 3.2 million tons. The first place by a wide margin is occupied by Canada, on whose territory the world’s largest mine with the highest uranium content, Cigar Lake (capacity 6.9 thousand tons per year), is located.

The leader in estimated recoverable reserves is Australia, which accounts for more than a quarter of the world’s total. The country does not have its own nuclear power plants; it actively supplies raw materials for export.

Kazakhstan has been the leading producer in the last decade. The other two places in the top 3 in recent years were Canada, Australia and Namibia. These four countries together account for three-quarters of the world’s uranium production.


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