FBI is investigating Basquiat painting forgeries: $100 million at stake

FBI is investigating Basquiat painting forgeries: $100 million at stake


The museum in Orlando, where the artist’s works were exhibited, found itself in a difficult situation

The FBI is investigating counterfeit paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat that were shown at the Orlando Museum of Art two years ago. 25 works are valued at $100 million. “MK” understood the details of the high-profile case.

In February 2022, when the Orlando Museum of Art showed 25 works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, the whole world watched the sensation. As reported, the artist created the works in 1982 for the gallery of Larry Gagosian, whose studio the street artist then occupied. After the opening day, screenwriter and producer Ted Mumford allegedly bought the work for $5,000. He put the paintings in storage and then conveniently forgot about them. And in 2012, the contents of the safe were seized for non-payment of rent and sold. Ted Mumford died in 2018, and now you can’t ask him if these are the right works. Law enforcement officials strongly doubt that the FBI is involved in the case.

Now each of Basquiat’s works on display at the Orlando Art Museum can be worth tens of millions of dollars. And there are 25 of them. The total cost of the collection is dizzying – the sum is said to be 100 million dollars. However, the FBI doubts that the paintings are genuine.

The Orlando Museum of Art is suffering serious losses due to litigation. Moreover, the director of the institution, Aaron De Groft, was fired. It is assumed that with his help, interested parties sought to increase the legitimacy of the works – to make an exhibition history of the collection, in order to later sell it at a higher price.

Among the owners are the names of art and antiques dealers William Forsom and Lee Mangin, who are also involved in the sale of drugs and fraud with securities and shares. Both characters served prison sentences. Also on the list is the famous lawyer Pierce O’Donnell, who in 2016 represented the interests of Amber Heard in her divorce from Johnny Depp and the interests of Angelina Jolie in her divorce from Brad Pitt. The investigation has information that attempts to sell the works have already been made.

At the same time, an examination of the paintings took place – and experts expressed doubts about their authenticity. Relatives of the late screenwriter Ted Mumford also doubt the authenticity of the works. Several of his friends and relatives claim that he never bought Basquiat’s work and had no interest in modern art at all.


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