Export of Russian gas by 2030 may grow by 5.6%

Export of Russian gas by 2030 may grow by 5.6%


In 2021, Russia exported 251 billion cubic meters. m of gas, of which 210 billion were delivered through pipelines and 41 billion cubic meters. m (29.7 million tons) – for liquefied natural gas (LNG), follows from the REA data. The presentation provides two scenarios for the development of the situation with gas exports. The target assumes that by 2030 the total volume of deliveries abroad from Russia will grow by 5.6% to 265 billion cubic meters. m. Negative provides for a general decrease in supplies by 84 billion cubic meters. m, or 33.4% compared to 2021, to 167 billion cubic meters. m.

At the same time, both the negative and the target scenarios assume a decrease in pipeline gas exports: the target one is by 55 billion cubic meters. m, or 26.2%, negative – twice, by 105 billion cubic meters. m. According to REA estimates, pipeline gas exports to Europe (including Turkey) under the target scenario by 2030 will be reduced by 78% to 36 billion cubic meters. m against 165 billion cubic meters. m in 2021. In addition, the target scenario provides for the reorientation of about 78 billion cubic meters. m of pipeline gas from Europe to Asia.


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