Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva sang in a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian

Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva sang in a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian


Actress Lyudmila Zaitseva received the “Lady Luck” award to them. Pavel Luspekaev for courage and dignity in the profession at the 31st International Film Festival “Kinoshock”.

Lyudmila Vasilievna was very touched by the presentation.

“I’m happy that I was born and raised in the Kuban. Well, it’s not my choice – this is how fate decreed. I grew up among hardworking people, bright, singing, who could work, drink, and take a walk, among good hosts with an amazing sense of humor – said the actress. – And I’m very sorry that, apart from “Kuban Cossacks”, there is no film about the Kuban, the Kuban character – real, emotional. We immediately recognize each other at first sight, by some sensations, by our dialect, Surzhik He was not Russian and not Ukrainian – all together …

God grant to all our land, and the Kuban too, peace, prosperity, success so that we can cope with all the troubles that fall upon us.

After these words, the artist sang a song on surzhik, which she once heard in the Kuban.


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