To film Andersen’s Flint and Fire, you have to walk with an outstretched hand

To film Andersen's Flint and Fire, you have to walk with an outstretched hand


Officials talk about the lack of children’s films, and when they appear, they pretend that they are not there.

In the reading room of the unique Vyborg library, built in the 1930s according to the project of the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, an exposition of marionette puppets and miniatures of scenery by puppeteer Viktor Antonov, a multiple winner of the Golden Mask award, the chief artist of the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

All this richness was specially made for the musical film-fairy tale “The Flint and the Magic Well” by Andrzej Petras, who can’t finish his film.

So far I have managed to watch 23 minutes of the future film. And it is removed based on the work of Hans-Christian Andersen “Flint”. According to the plot, the king of a small state was frightened by a prediction according to which his daughter, a princess, would marry a soldier. The “caring” father, just in case, will put her in the tower and deal with the fortune-tellers. The soldier will go to war. The main thing is that it does not end longer. The soldier will not return – there will be no wedding. At this time, the chief police chief, who received unlimited powers, dreams of marrying the princess. However, the soldier Hans is not a blunder either. He will get a magic flint from a witch, tame magic wooden robot dogs, find a real friend, Little Hans, and together with him he will save the kingdom and bring the princess out of captivity.

Andrzej Petras became the director, composer and co-author of the script. In his picture, not only characters performed by live actors will act, but also puppet puppets that will become a copy of real artists. That is, we will see a witch performed by Olga Lapshina and her small duplicate. Alexey Demidov will play the soldier Hans, Polina Voichenko – the princess. Sergei Barkovsky and Julia Aug became king and queen. And the Chief of Police was played by Anton Adasinsky. Each of them also received its reflection in the puppet image.

Wooden robotic dogs by Viktor Antonov from the movie “The Flint and the Magic Well”.

“Our film has a slogan: “We ourselves create the fairy tale we live in,” says Andrzej Petras. — It is important for us to pay attention to the fact that we ourselves are responsible for our own destiny, and no one else. This is a simple and accessible thought that I repeat to myself all the time. I wanted to talk about this topic with other people. The concept of a fairy tale is that we have a little storyteller Hans, who tells his fairy tales, shows puppet shows in the market square. We don’t see him for most of the movie. But we see his dolls and hear his voice, which he speaks for them. In the middle of the film, the police chief appears and destroys the theater, and the kid finds himself in his own story.

The producer of the film, Anastasia Razlogova, the daughter of Kirill Razlogov, an untimely departed film critic and permanent MK expert, says: “Andrzej Petras wrote the music for the production of Flint in the puppet theater. It turned out 15 songs. And we thought it would be good to use them in movies. The script was written based on the play, but it has been heavily modified – new characters and storylines have appeared. The main part of the film was shot with live actors, but at the same time, these same characters exist in the puppet space. Our dolls are like actors. You could see this in the reading room of the library, where photos of our artists are placed next to the puppets. The film is not finished. We believe that teenage and children’s films should definitely be made.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28869 dated September 15, 2022

Newspaper headline:
“Flint” in dolls and with robotic dogs


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