scammers attack entire families to withdraw their funds to their accounts – Kommersant

scammers attack entire families to withdraw their funds to their accounts - Kommersant


Phone scammers in Russia began to attack entire families in order to convince them, under various pretexts, to transfer money to their accounts, VTB found out. According to the press service, scammers call people on behalf of bank employees or law enforcement agencies. They argue that the funds of potential victims can be stolen and urgent measures must be taken to save them. In case of refusal, scammers can switch to a more aggressive manner of communication and threaten to call relatives, including spouses or children, in order to convey their case through them, some of them actually call other family members.

According to VTB, fraudsters use popular topics: loan applications, questionable transactions on cards and bank accounts, changing the financial or trusted phone number at the bank, transferring funds to a more secure account, and the like.

“As a result, whole families are already facing threats and extortion. Such an aggressive psychological impact can lead to dangerous situations and the withdrawal of funds on a much larger scale, because the entire family budget is at risk, ”the VTB press service said.

Olesya Pavlenko


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