The expert called the found painting of Pollock for 50 million “big problem”

The expert called the found painting of Pollock for 50 million “big problem”


Unknown expressionist painting found during search

Intriguing news arrived from Bulgaria. There, under mysterious circumstances, in the description of which the words “search” and “investigation” appear, a painting by Jackson Pollock worth 50 million euros was found. “An operation under the patronage of Europol was carried out in Sofia, Athens and the island of Crete in order to neutralize an organized criminal group,” local media write. It is reported that the painting once belonged to nothing less than Nicolae Ceausescu, President of the Socialist Republic of Romania (1974-1989). “MK” asked the expert how many “unknown pollocks” could still be found in the “secret rooms”.

A truly exciting detective story. A painting by the legendary expressionist Jackson Pollock was found during a search that took place as part of a “hunt” for an organized crime group. There are not many details, but they are colorful. The search took place in an unknown warehouse in Sofia, five more paintings by other authors were found. All of them were planned to be sold on the black market. One citizen of Bulgaria and three citizens of Greece were detained. The operation to catch an organized criminal group was carried out under the patronage of Europol – not only in Sofia, but also in Athens and on the island of Crete. The most interesting thing is how quickly it was possible to determine that Pollock is genuine (they write that the conclusion was made by the composition of the paints). At the same time, the picture does not appear in any catalog of the artist.

Nevertheless, the “masterpiece” has already “drawn” provenance (rich) and cost (50 million euros). The painting reportedly comes from the collection of Nicolae Ceausescu. Sources differ in dating the canvas: some indicate 1947, others – 1949. But they report that there is an author’s signature in the lower right corner, and inscriptions on the reverse side that allow you to trace the history of the canvas. How much can one believe such hasty conclusions “MK” asked Vladimir Bogdanov, a specialist in the field of the art market.

– When the words “unknown”, “Pollock”, “search”, “Bulgarian mafia”, “Romanian stamp”, “uncataloged” and “50 million euros” are collected in one piece of news, then a sane person will perceive what is happening at least skeptically. In life, of course, this does not happen. But any specialist will definitely be alert, “take a stand” and will not rush to conclusions.

– Is the phrase “unknown Pollock” the most alarming?

– Exactly. “Unknown Pollock” is not a miracle, not a discovery, but, to begin with, a problem. In order for such a picture to become worth money, experts will have to work hard: a complex of studies, art history expertise, and restoration of the history of existence (provenance). Moreover, this will have to be done not in Bulgaria, but in America, where there are competence centers for this author. Still would. Pollock is a monstrously expensive artist, with his paintings worth tens of millions of dollars. And in order to break into the leading auction sites, the owners of the “unknown Pollocks” will have to work hard. It is pointless to keep genuine masterpieces in illegal circulation. In order for a painting to gain value and have investment potential, it should not be hidden, but exhibited at important exhibitions in the best museum institutions. Sometimes it makes sense to hide the real owner, but not the thing itself. And it is hard to believe in the existence of some kind of developed “black market” of genuine paintings. It is quite another matter – these are scammers offering Titian, Chagall and Raphael with Kandinsky on the Internet, allegedly from European private collections. Maybe they have pollocks. But here everything is clear. By mail, no, no, yes, offers come in about countless treasures in “European castles”. For some reason, their owners are not embarrassed that two hours away from them there are Sotheby’s and Christie’s – the most expensive and prestigious auctions. No, this does not suit them, and they dream of selling masterpieces exclusively to Russian buyers. At least a year ago they dreamed.


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