Western countries did not allow the Ombudsman of the DPR to speak at the UN Security Council

Western countries did not allow the Ombudsman of the DPR to speak at the UN Security Council


Western countries did not allow the DPR Ombudsman to speak at the UN Security Council, RIA Novosti reports.

The speech of the Ombudsman of the DPR Darya Morozova at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine was initiated by Russia. The US representative reportedly called for a procedural vote in the Security Council to decide whether to give Morozova the floor. At the same time, the American side opposed her speech, saying that this would mean recognition of the DPR and a change in the borders of Ukraine.

When voting to give Morozova the floor, four countries voted, including Russia, China and Brazil, while another 3 states abstained. 9 votes were needed to make a positive decision

The US, Britain and 6 other countries opposed.


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