TV presenter Elena Letuchaya told how the Russians treat her

TV presenter Elena Letuchaya told how the Russians treat her


“People are still afraid of me”

Elena Letuchaya has not been the host of the Revizorro program for two years now, but in the eyes of Russians, the TV star still has the same reputation. In a recent interview, she revealed how people treat her and how she herself reacts to attention from others.

In an interview with OK! Letuchaya noted that she has an “amazing story” with Revizorro. Despite the fact that the presenter has not starred in this program for a long time, she continues to be associated with her among people, and many are still afraid of her.

According to Volatile, this “terribly amuses her.” In particular, when the presenter comes to the restaurant, “some movements” immediately begin around her. She also shared a story that happened to her recently.

The TV star said that some time ago she went to the grocery store, because she cooks for her husband herself. At the time when Flying was choosing food for herself, a store employee ran up to her, who silently began to lay out the products from her basket. The presenter asked what was happening, to which the employee replied that she would bring the TV star other products that would be “fresher”.

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