Traumatologists told how to walk and fall in ice

Traumatologists told how to walk and fall in ice


Ice bound the capital. Despite the increased work of the janitors, tons of reagents and just sand scattered on the sidewalks, every evening the frost grabs the evening moisture, and pedestrians move slowly, like sappers in a minefield.

Traumatologists like to joke that it doesn’t matter to them to look outside to find out what the weather is like. They learn about what has froze thanks to the flow of patients who come (or bring them) to the trauma departments of hospitals and trauma centers.

What injuries are most often treated in such weather? What to do if there is a fracture, dislocation, bruise or sprain? And are there any reliable ways to protect yourself from self-harm in such weather? About this “MK” learned from the experts.

During icy conditions, the number of visits to traumatologists increases significantly. At the same time, most patient visits occur on weekends or holidays, when people go for a walk, and often drunk. Traumatologists say that one of the main injuries of recent years has been the injury of reading gadgets on the go. People are so engrossed in what they have on their phone that they don’t see the obvious obstacles in the way. And when the road is slippery, with such a fall, you can get serious damage – not only bruises, but also dislocations, and even fractures.

In the top 5 most common injuries that people receive in such weather, experts include knee injuries, fractures of both limbs, craniocerebral injuries, ankle ligament ruptures and joint dislocations.

If we talk about the knees, then falling ones most often land on them. In this connection, ligament ruptures, meniscal injuries, as well as dislocations, bruises and intra-articular fractures can occur. There are often situations when people do not attach importance to the pain or swelling that has appeared, and they come to the doctors, thinking that they are just hurt, but for some reason it does not heal. “This is a big mistake, because the older the injury, the harder it is to treat,” says orthopedic traumatologist Oleg Zharov.

If we talk about fractures of the arms and legs, then the radius or fibula most often suffer in ice. The first person breaks because, during the fall, he instinctively puts his hands forward. The fibula is injured due to impact on the surface on which the victim falls. The complexity of the fracture in these cases is different: it can be closed, open, with displacement. Severe pain, swelling and dysfunction of the limb are reasons for immediate medical attention.

Head injuries during a fall vary from light bruises and minor scratches to bruises and concussions. If a person falls on the ice with his head, especially when falling on his back, there is a great danger of concussion. According to Dr. Zharov, this outcome can be avoided if during the fall you press your head into your chest as much as possible to protect the back of your head, and try to land on your side. However, if a stroke did occur, whether you lost consciousness is important. If yes, then the likelihood of a concussion is quite high – you should definitely consult a doctor.

As a result of the twist of the leg, the ligaments of the ankle can be torn. A minor tear is defined as a stretch. But if you are not lucky, a complete rupture of the ligaments can occur, in which the joint becomes unstable and needs to be fixed. In any case, if the ligaments are damaged, the leg will swell and hurt, and the ability to work will be lost for a long time.

If we talk about dislocations, then when falling, the most likely dislocation of the shoulder joint. The reason is that in the body it is the most mobile, and therefore suffers most often. Much less often, traumatologists encounter dislocations of the elbow and ankle joints. There is only one way to treat dislocations – they need to be set, and the sooner the better. It is quite easy to detect a dislocation visually: it is indicated by the unnatural position of the limb and a significant limitation of the range of motion in the joint. With such symptoms, you should seek help as soon as possible.

Even a slight bruise, or a bump, or, scientifically, a bruise of soft tissues can hide serious consequences, doctors say. If the pain syndrome is prolonged, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will refer you to the necessary examinations, identify the true cause of the pain and prescribe a further course of treatment and rehabilitation.

Of course, if you are on a slippery slope, it is difficult to avoid falls. And yet you can protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of injuries as much as possible.

So, in such weather, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement is of particular importance. Shoes are even more important: no heels, no slippery soles. The sole should be grooved or “tractor”, thick enough, with a tread. A cane will help an elderly person.

Balance can be maintained by waving your arms in time with your steps while walking. In addition, during icy conditions it is undesirable to carry a bag on the shoulder. It is better to hold it in your hand or use a shoulder bag. A backpack is generally the ideal luggage: it allows you to keep your hands free to ensure stability when walking.

“In any case, you need to move carefully and slowly in ice, in small steps, do not keep your hands in your pockets, bend your knees a little when walking. When falling, try to maintain balance, bend your knees and swing your arms. It is better to fall on outstretched arms. If the fall could not be avoided, pain, swelling appeared, there was a loss of consciousness – do not hesitate to contact the emergency room, ”says Oleg Zharov.

The doctor reminds that injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly: they need to be especially careful about their health, and during the period of ice it is better not to leave the house unnecessarily. Moreover, the pandemic has given us invaluable experience in contacting various online services.

Well, for those who cannot live without gadgets, doctors remind: do not try to answer on the go – stop, talk, and then continue on your way. And do not rush: those who are in a hurry lose their balance more easily. Take care of yourself – and ice will not be terrible for you.


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