Tony Garnet, who abandoned his family for the sake of a Ukrainian woman, kicked out Sofia Karkadym after 4 months

Tony Garnet, who abandoned his family for the sake of a Ukrainian woman, kicked out Sofia Karkadym after 4 months


British Tony Garent kicked out his beloved from Ukraine Sophia Karkadym after a strong quarrel. For the sake of a new lover, he left the 28-year-old mother of his two children, Lorna, four months ago. The Briton lived with her for 10 years.

The 30-year-old security guard started a relationship with a 22-year-old refugee almost from scratch. Many condemned him. The man even lost his job and could not find housing. The house was given to him by an old friend.

However, after four months, Tony packed his girlfriend’s things and announced that it was over between them. According to him, Sophia has problems with alcohol, anger and she will never be able to understand that his daughters will always come first.

According to Tony, the apogee in the relationship came on the evening of September 24th. The couple celebrated his birthday at a house in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Sophia made a scandal and stuck a knife into the wall several times. The frightened birthday boy called the police.

Tony admitted that he was very sorry that he left Lorna and the children for the Ukrainian.

“It really scared me and I had no other choice but to call the police. It doesn’t please me at all. But I was worried about my safety,” said the Briton.

The quarrel took place in the presence of two more Ukrainian refugees – Sofia Rastorguyeva and Ilya Tronevich. Tony invited them to live with him after a desperate request for help from the couple on social media.

Karkadym has already come to her senses, and sent several messages to her lover, begging for forgiveness. But the Briton remained adamant, he had already given her several chances.

Tony and Lorna welcomed Sofia Karkadym into their home on May 4, 2022 as part of a government program to provide housing for refugees from Ukraine. The refugee immediately got along with the head of the family, as he spoke a little Slovak. They watched TV together and started going to the gym. The situation escalated and after 10 days, an angry Lorna demanded that Sophia leave her house. She left with Tony.

The situation caused a huge scandal, but the couple hoped to get married and Tony even took advantage of the vasectomy reversal procedure, which returns the man the opportunity to have children.

Read also: “Ukrainian refugee-separate woman who escaped with a British foreign husband broke the silence”


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