The State Duma will consider a bill obliging schoolchildren to participate in socially useful work

The State Duma will consider a bill obliging schoolchildren to participate in socially useful work


On May 24, a group of deputies led by the chairman of the education committee, Olga Kazakova of the United Russia party, introduced a bill to the State Duma that obliges schoolchildren to take part in socially useful work. The explanatory note to the document notes that the formation of the right attitude to work is a long process with delayed results, and this process must begin in childhood.

As examples of socially useful work, Olga Kazakova mentions planting trees and flowers on the school grounds, participating in decorating a classroom or a school playground for events, helping out in a library, museum, and other similar activities. She also stressed that the issues of maintaining cleanliness and order in educational institutions “should not depend on the desire or unwillingness of anyone”, but are an integral part of the educational and educational environment.

The initiators of the bill propose to cancel the ban on involving students in work without their consent or the consent of their parents, which is now contained in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

One of the authors of the bill, Andrey Isaev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, told Vedomosti that according to the proposed amendments, labor education will be included in the educational process of school educational institutions. The new version of the law “On Education” eliminates the need to obtain parental consent for students to participate in work activities.


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