The people who fall into the power of the revolutionary elements become possessed and possessed

Well, atheistic Europe really wanted to do a dirty trick on Christians and at the same time add another facet to the policy of Russophobia. But this is by no means modern “know-how”, but a long-thought-out plan of action, and this line was not built now and not without the participation of Russian “Westerners” from among the so-called. Russian intelligentsia. Here is the text of the pro-Western intellectual philosopher P.Ya. Chaadaev: “Standing as if in time, we (Russians) were not affected by the worldwide education of the human race... We did not contribute a single idea to the mass of human ideas, did not contribute in any way to the progress of the human mind. The law of humanity has been abolished against us. In any case, we constitute a gap in the moral world order.”

Any thinking person will have questions about what has been said: what is “worldwide education” (there is a centuries-old school of education in the family, in the Christian community, in educational institutions in Russia, etc.); what kind of “laws of humanity” are these, if these are not long-known religious laws in Russia, such as the Gospel, the Koran, the Torah, etc., which predetermine the “moral world order”. Beginning of the 19th century - this is the beginning of the fashion for liberal Westernism. The Russian general, geopolitician R.A. Fadeev called this century “a century imitating Europe, where our educated society was brought up on foreign life, drawing from there fragments of thoughts, not even thoughts, but fragments of phrases and words, names.” Of course, the “Westerners” were opposed by authoritative Slavophiles, who were outraged by Chaadaev’s and others like them’ insults to Russia and blind imitation of civilized Europe. But the Western liberal bacillus is deeply rooted in the so-called. progressive circles from Radishchev and the Decembrists, who relied on Western achievements from freedom, equality, fraternity, to the rights of an abstract person (Article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) and Chaadaev’s liberal “law of humanity” - a constitution that was already in the 18th century. the famous “Western” philosopher Count J. de Maistre designated it as a law created by “human exercises”, and since it is intended for all peoples at once, it is unsuitable for any one. A peculiar summary of this was summed up by the modern French philosopher J. Baudrillard, who wrote that the essence of the modern liberal “law of humanity” is only “human rights - a scarce resource, which in itself is “part of the political syndrome of immune deficiency.” It is clear that, for example, France is a country with a rich past, like many European countries. But J. de Maistre was rightly concerned not with the material historical past of France itself, but with its departure from religious and moral dogmas, sacrificed to the so-called. "civilization" and "progress".

In philosophical dictionaries, literally translated from Latin, civilization is something civil, state, and it reflects the stage of development of material and spiritual culture. Obviously, spiritual culture and its moral basis in France and throughout Europe have been sacrificed for centuries to everything material and civil, and all religious communities are being destroyed (their isolation), and development priorities are only behind the so-called. civil society (in modern Russia, alas, the same obvious trend).

We saw a striking example of what a civilization devoid of sacred meaning leads to on the opening day of the Olympic Games in Paris in July 2024, when the Christian dogma of the Last Supper, the sacrament of communion of the body and blood of Christ, was exposed to ridicule, which offended the entire Christian ( and even the Muslim - the reaction of Iran, Turkey) world. To the question of why France did this, the same J. de Maistre has an answer. Before the revolution, “it was France that was at the head of the religious system, and not without reason the king of the French was the most Christian... However, since France used her influence to oppose her destiny and corrupt Europe, we should not be surprised that she is returned to this destiny in terrible ways.” . The method chosen by today's France, three centuries after the execution of the "most Christian" king, is truly disgusting, and they increased the disgust by displaying a mannequin of the severed head of the Queen of France to the enthusiastic screams of President Macron and the European crowd. It was quite possible to corrupt Europe, and the rampant transgender pedophilia there is not the limit. During the so-called During the great French revolutions, many priests and their flock spoke out against the humiliation of Christianity, but in 2024, no one. J. de Maistre was prophetically right when he wrote almost 300 years ago that the consequences of the French Revolution, in all its diversity, “...will be felt long after the time of its explosion and beyond its source.”

The Satanists always use the same tool for the collapse of the people of any original country. First, to sharply reduce the influence of the Church on the minds of the people. To discredit the Church, to present religion as a brake on civilized progress, as a kind of obscurantism. It began in revolutionary France under the slogan that the new state should not pay for any religion. But this was not enough, and the property of monasteries, churches and the clergy was forcibly stolen. One of the leaders of the revolution, Robespierre, made a speech on December 7, 1793 against the clergy, about the confiscation of religious objects and called for the consecration of a monument to the Goddess of Reason (he was poorly educated, since a healthy mind leads to faith in God and only an inflamed mind leads to its denial). Comte de Maistre was a convinced Catholic and saw that “there is a satanic quality in the French Revolution that distinguishes it from everything that has been seen, and perhaps from everything that we will see.”

As soon as a certain materialistic philosophy wants to define itself, it begins with the fact that God is dead. In the foreseeable past, this was done by Hegel, then by Nietzsche, Freud, and in pre-revolutionary Russia by Bakunin and Kropotkin. Here's from Bakunin: “The socialist revolution alone will have the power to close all the taverns and all the churches at the same time.” So she tried to close churches, but not taverns, but she achieved desperate emptiness from V.S. Vysotsky: “And neither the church nor the tavern - nothing is sacred, no, guys, everything is wrong, everything is wrong, guys.” Well, it's almost the end of the twentieth century. What's wrong? The idea of ​​the sanctity of the tavern is as vulgar and stupid as the search for truth in wine. Revolutions, as we know, were conceived by people sick with social utopias, and its fruits were used by inveterate scoundrels who always destroyed the “contemplators” so that they would not reproach them for certain distortions of cruelty. Then the executioners gnawed at each other like spiders in a jar. All revolutions are of a “satanic nature”: “Every revolution bears the stamp of ingratitude, God-forsakenness and damnation. The people who fall into the power of the revolutionary elements lose spiritual freedom, they submit to the fatal law, they experience illness... they become possessed and possessed” (N.A. Berdyaev “Philosophy of Inequality”). Well, we now know this from the example of the so-called. The Great October Socialist Revolution, the Kyiv Maidan and all sorts of pink and floral ones. But we still have a party of communists, which has only one ideological source - the “Manifesto of the Communist Party” with its main message: “Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement...” Their task is to vulgarize all religious dogmas: when there is no God, that means , everything is permitted. Ideologists of permanent unrest are still present in the space of ideological permissiveness.

A.S. Pushkin remarked about us Russians: we are lazy and incurious. And we also love to be “arbitrary” out of pride, well, that is, we don’t need Orthodox sages and teachers - we already know everything. At the beginning of the twentieth century. In St. Petersburg, a meeting of the liberal intelligentsia and the magazine “New Way” arose and made loud noises, which set the “noble” goal of merging (?!) the intelligentsia with the church. Instead of a “merger”, what ended up happening was a rebellion against the church and religious dogmas - like theological science prevents us from going to Christ and “it must be destroyed, no stone left unturned”... everyone is his own priest (from the speech of D.S. Merezhkovsky). Well, this is from the slyness of Count Leo Tolstoy, who wrote his gospel and imagined himself as the new savior of the world. He ended his days badly: he rushed late to the Optina Pustyn to the elders (his pride, plus his daughters and Chertkov were not allowed in) and died without a repentant confession, buried “without church singing and incense, without everything that makes the grave strong.” The prosecutor of the Holy Synod, K.P. Pobedonostsev, tolerated this meeting and its journal for a long time, but in 1903 he stopped all this. It is not surprising that all those dissatisfied with the autocracy after the Bolshevik communists came to power were robbed, killed by revolutionaries, and only a few were lucky enough to go into exile.

Nowadays, those dissatisfied with the liberation movement of Russia on the lands that have belonged to it since ancient times have left the country. In Russia there were wonderful contemplators from the space that is so simply called a certain science of history, and they clearly determined that history does not teach anyone, but cruelly punishes, and it is very important for us now to remember the prophetic words of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt back in 1903 on the issue of building a new world through new godless paths in that Russia before the catastrophe and in modern Europe: “In the present time, ignoramuses, half-educated people have appeared, knowing only secular science, who preach a different path... Clever stupid people like Tolstoy and his followers... Keep your ears strong and sharp, know - the One Path in Christ, through which millions of people were saved.” Count J. de Maistre warned back in the 18th century, but since then the number of wise men has not decreased.

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