the heartbreaking reunion between a mother and her daughter on C8

the heartbreaking reunion between a mother and her daughter on C8


The Canal+ group channel is rebroadcasting the most striking sequences of “Only the truth that counts”, this Thursday September 8 at 9:15 p.m. A nostalgic compilation presented by Laurent Fontaine and Pascal Bataille.

These many years have drawn some claws on the face of these two animators. But their touching gaze did not move an eyelash. Just like their unshakeable bond, which stands the test of time. This Thursday, September 8, Lawrence Fontaine and Pascal Battle reform their mythical duo in order to exhume their cult show “Only the truth matters” on C8. During this compilation scheduled for the first part of the evening, the two friends will rebroadcast the funniest and most moving stories that punctuated this meeting broadcast between 2002 and 2006 on TF1.

At this time when social networks were still in their infancy, many French people requested the production of this entertainment in order to find the trace of a member of their family, or an acquaintance, of whom they had no knowledge. no more news. With a few precious clues in their bag, the program teams conducted the investigation to reach the much sought-after loved one. Once the latter has been identified, the investigators invite him to the filming of the show without him knowing the identity of the person who covets him. On stage, the two parties are separated by a curtain and can converse while looking at a television screen. If the guest wishes to reconnect with the one who has dreamed of it so hard and for so long, he decides to remove the giant sheet to rebuild the relationship of yesteryear. Otherwise, everyone goes home quietly.

Abandoned at the age of three months

During the retrospective broadcast on C8, viewers will rediscover in particular this poignant sequence during which Sophie confides in an open heart to the two hosts. This 25-year-old woman grew up with her grandparents, abandoned at the age of three months by her mother, Martine, unable to provide for her needs. From now on, the young adult wishes to find the one who gave her life. When the two women, placed on either side of the curtain, see each other on the screen, emotion overwhelms the stage. “We look alike, huh? I don’t blame you, I never judged you and I don’t even want to know why. I want to be part of your life”, launches Sophie at the place of her parent. The latter will agree to reconnect with her daughter under the misty gaze of the two facilitators. “We still remember today the shivers we felt when Martine arrived on the set”says Laurent Fontaine.

In this compilation, the faithful of the first hour of “There is only the truth that counts” will once again smell the perfume of a time when the small screen offered its audience moments of rare authenticity. And, beyond this replay, this program distills some new sequences where former participants tell what they have become. Like Lily, who declared her love in front of millions of viewers to Patrick, a man she met during a canyoning course. These two sportsmen will indicate if they walked together on the path of love, and if they stayed there. Or, if they each took different routes.


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