The expert told what you need to eat to maintain youth

The expert told what you need to eat to maintain youth


Nutritionist Natalya Konyukhova, in an interview with Moslenta, told what you need to eat to preserve youth.

First of all, she recommended sticking to proper nutrition, giving up sugar. According to her, early wrinkles on the skin are the first sign of damage to collagen and elastin fibers by simple sugars. At the same time, sugar has a negative effect on almost all organs, and its consumption in large doses disrupts metabolism.

Konyukhova recommends including more spices in the diet. According to her, basil, lemon balm, rosemary, marjoram, sage, thyme, mint improve metabolism, promote weight loss, have antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antidepressant, antiviral, deglycating and antibacterial effects. She also recommended eating more greens, peppers and mushrooms.

According to the expert, it is also necessary to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin A – these are fruits and vegetables, greens, melon, red pepper. Potassium can be obtained from tomatoes, watermelons, red peppers and grapefruit.

Konyukhova recommends getting B vitamins from avocados and egg yolks, legumes, asparagus, almonds, beets and mushrooms.

The expert noted that the sources of vitamins C and E are rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, spinach, green peppers, melons, seeds, nuts, avocados.

Konyukhova also said that one should not refuse protein. She also recalled that aging is also the result of moisture loss.


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