The European Union is going to impose sanctions against the philosopher Dugin and the singer Rastorguev

The European Union is going to impose sanctions against the philosopher Dugin and the singer Rastorguev


The European Union is preparing a new package of sanctions against a number of Russian statesmen, top managers, cultural and scientific figures. This was reported by the publication Politico.

In total, the sanctions may affect almost 30 individuals and 8 companies. Among the likely objects of sanctions are the president of the Kalashnikov concern, Alan Lushnikov, the leader of the Lyube group, singer Nikolai Rastorguev, and the traditionalist philosopher Alexander Dugin.

Rastorguev, apparently, may become the object of sanctions because of the patriotic orientation of his songs. Philosopher Dugin in the West is considered almost a “shadow ideologist” of the current Russian government for his uncompromising position regarding both the events in Ukraine and the country’s general foreign policy.


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