The Duma approved a project on confiscation of property for organizing illegal migration

State Duma deputies adopted in the first reading billproviding for confiscation of property for organizing illegal migration. We are talking about confiscation of money, property and valuables obtained as a result of violation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The initiative was submitted to the State Duma in July by a group of deputies from different factions.

The bill proposes to amend paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Art. 104.1 (confiscation of property) and supplement it with an article on the organization of illegal migration (322.1). Property will be confiscated if the crime was committed for mercenary reasons.

The explanatory note states that in Russia there is an increase in sentences under the article on organizing illegal migration. Thus, in 2023, 1941 crimes were registered (79.6% more than last year), and in the first quarter of 2024 - 580 (+75.5% compared to the same period last year). The authors of the initiative believe that due to the confiscation of property, organizing illegal migration will become economically unprofitable.

Let us note that at the beginning of September, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that based on the results of the first half of the year, 92.8 thousand decisions were made to remove foreign citizens from the territory of the Russian Federation. This is 53.2% more than in the same period in 2023. During January-July 2024, about 65 thousand foreigners who violated the law were removed from Russia. This is 55.2% higher than the results for the first half of 2023.

Currently, the State Duma is considering several bills aimed at regulating migration policy. Thus, it is proposed to amend the Criminal Code to equate the organization of illegal migration to especially serious crimes. Illegal stay in Russia may become an aggravating circumstance when sentencing. On October 1, a bill was introduced to the State Duma on the deprivation of acquired citizenship due to the commission of several criminal offenses or administrative offenses.

Read more about the bills in the Kommersant article “The Duma sets autumn priorities”.

Lusine Balasyan

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