The doctor told me what temperature food should be

The doctor told me what temperature food should be


Gastroenterologist Natalya Marchenko answered in an interview Radio Sputnik to one of the questions that are relevant for everyone who is forced to organize their meals during the day: is it necessary to always heat food? The expert’s answer is this: there really is no need to constantly consume hot dishes, but it is better if the food is about the same temperature as the human body.

“There is no need to regularly take hot food. Conventionally, if you do not have the opportunity to eat hot soup every day, you can do without it. The most rational thing is to eat foods and dishes at least at room temperature. But even better – body temperature,” said Natalya Marchenko, explaining that such a temperature of the dish allows the body to immediately start digesting food without problems and delays.

At the same time, the expert makes several reservations. The first relates to the properties of products: some of them, such as fats, are best not consumed cold. In addition, it must be borne in mind that in some quite common diseases, doctors prohibit both hot and cold food, because its temperature is an irritating factor for the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract in certain inflammatory conditions. “This is especially true of the upper gastrointestinal tract, which are the first to encounter different food temperatures. These are, for example, esophagitis, irritation of the esophageal mucosa, reflux disease and its further complications, as well as erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach,” the doctor notes. At the same time, special attention to these issues will be paid to all people of mature age.


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