The Central Bank extended the ban on withdrawal of funds from brokerage accounts for non-residents from unfriendly countries

The Central Bank extended the ban on withdrawal of funds from brokerage accounts for non-residents from unfriendly countries


The Bank of Russia extended for six months restrictions on transfers abroad of funds of non-residents from unfriendly countries from the accounts of brokers and trustees. The restrictions were introduced on April 1, 2022.

“The restrictions apply to transfers from accounts of both individuals and legal entities opened with Russian brokers and trustees … The decision was made to maintain financial stability,” the statement says. message on the website of the Central Bank.

Non-residents are legal entities or individuals who are registered and located in one state, but have business or economic interests in another. By data As of July 22, the list of states unfriendly to Russia includes 48 countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain and most countries of the European Union.

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