Scientists have named the food that prevents the development of diabetes

Scientists have named the food that prevents the development of diabetes


The use of dairy products reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Italian scientists have come to this conclusion, Express reports.

This type of diabetes, recalls the publication, is the most common. It usually occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.

Scholars representing the University of Naples. conducted a study. It turned out that a glass of milk a day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 10%. Ryazhenka, kefir and cottage cheese (in a daily “dosage” of 200 grams) – by 5%. A jar of natural yogurt will reduce the risk by 6%. In addition, even low-fat dairy products will help prevent the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 3%.

The fact is that dairy products are rich in nutrients, vitamins and other bioactive compounds. They have a beneficial effect on glucose metabolism – the processing of sugar in the human body. “This is what probiotics do,” said the Italian scientists who found the relationship.


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